Earlier this week, we were able to speak with Sheila G., the founder of Brownie Brittle, about one of the most frequently voted snacks in our catalog! Let’s dive into the reasons that Brownie Brittle is our March Snack of the Month!
What inspired you to start Brownie Brittle?
It all started with a brownie business, back in 1992. I had just been laid off at my corporate job, and I poured myself into offering a product that people loved. In my time running the commercial brownie business, I loved snacking on the crisped drippings that would come off the edges of the pans, and I began to notice that I was not the only one! Based on this simple observation, we developed a new process that would exclusively produce crispy edges. In 2011, I started Brownie Brittle to provide, on a large-scale, the corner pieces that I had always loved!
What makes Brownie Brittle stand out in the crowded snack market?
When we started, our task was to establish, not only a new product, but a new product category. Cookies were cookies, and brownies were brownies. Our team’s commitment to top-notch customer service was the driving force behind the growth that Brownie Brittle has experienced. The brownie brittle’s quality and our commitment to customer service are the traits that continue to set us apart in a more crowded market.
What do you do to encourage employee health and well-being in the workplace?
Our employees regularly set aside time for physical activity. Brownie Brittle’s leadership team sets an admirable example of prioritizing health and pursuing an active lifestyle.
What are you especially proud of at Brownie Brittle?
My team. We regularly joke about #teambrowniebrittle, but there is an element of seriousness to it as well. Our team members are passionate about the brand, and everyone rolled up their sleeves when we were a new product in a non-existent product category. I can’t speak highly enough about our team and their commitment to giving customers a great Brownie Brittle experience.
Do you have any social cause or mission you’d like to share?
First off, we feel so fortunate that we have been given the means to really give back. Our charity of choice is Cookies for Kid’s Cancer. I connected with the organization a week before the founders, Gretchen Holt-Witt and her husband, lost their son to pediatric cancer. That same day, my step-son was admitted to hospice care for a different variation of pediatric cancer. Naturally, this cause is very dear to my family and our team. Less than 4% of federal funds for cancer research specifically go to pediatric. Thus far, we have helped to raise $200,000, and we are extremely grateful to our Brownie Brittle fans for helping us to support Cookies for Kid’s Cancer.
We really enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Sheila, and we hope that you’ll continue voting for Brownie Brittle to be delivered in your office!